
Say Hello to KYBELLA® and Goodbye to that Double Chin

December 1, 2017Say Hello to KYBELLA® and Goodbye to that Double Chin in Houston & Katy, TX


You’re in good shape. You work out, you eat right, and you have even added some wellness activities to keep you mentally fit, too. But there it is—that frustrating double chin, taunting you despite all your efforts.

Don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. Millions of men and women are insecure about submental fullness. Many of our patients at Body by Ravi Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics have had enough of this silly pocket of fat and are ready to do something about it! However, a large percentage of patients here in Houston aren’t willing to go under the knife for a little excess fat under their chins. Thanks to KYBELLA, a modern and effective injectable, you can safely attain a sleek jawline without needles, anesthetic, or surgery.

KYBELLA has hit the market by storm! It is the first, and remains, the only FDA approved non-surgical treatment that targets submental fat. Since KYBELLA’s introduction in 2015, patients have been thrilled to try out this new fat reduction method in an attempt to get rid of their double chin. Our Houston, Memorial, The Heights, and Katy, TX patients haven’t been disappointed, KYBELLA has garnered plenty of praise as it slims and contours the chin and neck area.

What is KYBELLA?

KYBELLA is non-surgical alternative to liposuction that has been specifically designed to effectively treat fat accumulation underneath the chin. It is formulated from deoxycholic acid, an active ingredient that mimics a chemical that is naturally produced in our bodies that is responsible for the breakdown and dissolution of your own fat cells. When injected, KYBELLA causes fat cells to dissolve and liquefy before they are naturally flushed out of the body.  

Who can use KYBELLA?

For the majority of our patients, KYBELLA is a wonderful option for those who suffer from submental fullness and are looking for a minimally invasive way to get rid of their double chin. Dr. Ravi and Dr. Gopathi will immediately identify if you are a good candidate for KYBELLA during your initial, one-on-one consultation. The good thing about coming to our Memorial plastic surgery practice is that we can offer alternatives, such as liposuction, if KYBELLA may not be right for you.  Going to a place that offers multiple treatment options allows us to recommend what is ideal for you.

What happens at my KYBELLA treatment?

During your treatment session, we perform a series of small injection which range from pain free to mild pain.  A specific grid pattern is marked on your chin to make sure the fat is accurately targeted.  The number of injections very between patients and is determined by your current shape and goals.

What are the risks of KYBELLA?

Side effects with KYBELLA are minimal. Most patients report few, if any negative side effects. It is common for patients to experience swelling, numbness, or bruising for about one week (for some patients, this can be up to three weeks) following your treatment with KYBELLA. Unlike with other fat-reduction treatments like facial (neck) liposuction, KYBELLA requires no downtime and is a much less invasive alternative for those who wish to remove submental fat.  

What results can I expect with KYBELLA?

KYBELLA instantly starts to break down fat cells following the injections. However, it does take time for your body to process the fat.  While you may see slight results after your first treatment, more dramatic results are usually seen after the second, third, or fourth treatment.  So, it can take a few weeks to a few months to see any real slimming. Most of Dr. Gopathi and Dr. Ravi’s patients tend to need between two to four treatments spaced about six weeks apart. Make sure to get a set of good before photographs shot from multiple angles —comparing photographs can be the best way to see the results that have been achieved thanks to KYBELLA.

KYBELLA at Body by Ravi Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics

With KYBELLA, many of our Houston patients have been able to achieve a slim, sleek, and sexy contoured chin. Dr. Ravi and Dr. Gopathi are pleased to offer their patients such an easy and effective solution to such a frustrating problem. Say goodbye to your double chin when you schedule your KYBELLA consultation at Body by Ravi Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics or call 281-242-1061 for immediate assistance.

Body By Ravi Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics

Dr. Ravi Somayazula and Dr. Swapna Gopathi, are Board-Certified Physicians, while using a patient-centered approach and spend as much time as needed to make each patient feel special and respected—not just another person walking through the door. As a team, a one-of-a-kind treatment plan is created to address concerns from head to toe with the latest surgical and non-surgical techniques, including: Breast Augmentation (Implants), Tummy Tucks, Liposuction, Mommy Makeovers, miraDry®, Botox®, Dermal Fillers, and AVÉLI ® Cellulite treatment. Working side-by-side, Dr. Ravi and Dr. Gopathi strive to create a long-lasting relationship with each patient, meeting any new aesthetic needs as they arise. Together, the staff at Body by Ravi Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics take each patient step-by-step through their cosmetic journey to achieve the desired aesthetic results.

Body By Ravi Plastic Surgery

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